Pick Up Your Prizes!
I have received a few e-mails from sponsors of the 1st Annual PSP Blog Hop indicating that several prize winners have yet to claim their prizes.
All prizes must be claimed by 5pm (Eastern Standard Time) on Tuesday, May 31 or they will be forfeited.
This does NOT apply to the Up Your Art gift certificates (they are undergoing site maintenance and will be back up within the next two weeks and gift certificates will be sent out once they are back and open for business again).
This also does not apply to prize recipients who are in the tornado-ravaged areas of the United States that have been under siege for the past month. We understand that you may be without power and/or internet capabilities. Therefore, those individuals who contact us once they have power and/or internet restored to their areas who wish to claim their prizes will be allowed to do so. We hope that your prize package, in some small way, will brighten your day as you work to rebuild your homes and your lives. Our hearts and prayers go out to those of you affected by these horrific storms and devastation.
Have A Quick Question or Problem?
If you have a quick question or problem – such as you have not received your prize from the 1st Annual Blog Hop, or you want to verify that we received something – you can add my MSN Messenger address and contact me there when I am online. I believe you can also import your Yahoo Messenger addresses too so you can add either vapls at msn dot com or kimtmww at yahoo dot ca to your Messenger system and drop me a note anytime you need to! I usually have one or the other on during the day!
Urgent Deadline Today–Help a Former Scrapbook Bytes Designer Make a Difference!
Meet Teresa of teresabelle designs and her eight-year-old daughter, Emma. Teresa used to be a designer at ScrapBookBytes but needed to quit back in February 2011 due to some serious health issues that Emma is having.
Teresa absolutely loves and adores designing, but right now, it has been put on the back burner to focus on what is most important – Emma. She needs some help; however, and asked if we would see if it was something we were interested and/or comfortable doing.
She thought of doing a charity kit and asking for your help, but a different opportunity came up that is easier for everyone involved and will generate more money.
Emma’s Story
(The following is taken directly from Teresa’s email which was forwarded to me).
Emma was born with a really rare, fatal disease, called Fanconi Anemia (FA). It causes bone marrow failure and cancer, including leukemia. Right now she is in severe bone marrow failure. I just posted a blog entry about her here, showing a little bit about what she has gone through in her life, if you had time to read it: http://teresabelle.blogspot.com/2011/05/briberyto-help-emma.html.
The frustrating part is that it is very, very rare - only about 300 cases in the USA and 3,000 in the world. No one knows it exists, so there is no money regularly coming in to our research fund to help find a cure. The research fund is called the Fanconi Anemia Research Fund (FARF), and they have done an amazing job improving treatments, extending life expectancy from around eight years old into their twenties. They are continuing their research to hopefully find a cure. It's up to the families, like ours, to hold fundraisers and try to get money to come in as often as we can. Honestly, it gets really burdensome at times trying to think of things to do to help.
Earning Money for Fanconi Anemia
We have a unique opportunity with Chase Community Giving on Facebook. They are holding a charity contest and will give away $20,000 to $500,000 to the top 25 charities. It ends today – May 25. In their first phase, we were able to win $25,000. But in this second phase, we are having a really tough time getting enough votes to place in the top 25, but we are really close. Ideally, we'd like to place high enough to win $500,000. My baby is worth every bit of effort it takes to get that money, but I only know so many people!
This is where I ask for your help, in a different way than the typical charity kit. I know I might be completely out of place in asking for it, so I totally understand if you'd rather not. But, of course, I'd love if it you would help!
If you are interested, I was wondering if you could post a little something on your blog or Facebook or Twitter (or all of them) asking for people to help. All we need is ONE vote per person, and that's it. It's really SO easy.
Remember – No monetary donation is needed!! It just takes 10 seconds of your time to vote for this sweet little girl!
How YOU Can Help
All you need to do is simply follow these three steps:
- Log into your Facebook account
- “Like” the Chase Community Giving Fanconi Anemia Research Fund page
- Click on the VOTE button and that’s it.
If we can help them raise enough votes – we can also help the Fanconi Anemia Research Fund win anywhere between $20,000 to $50,000 to help find a cure for this deadly disease!
I am asking each of you, personally, to please take just 10 seconds to go and vote. The voting period ends tonight – WEDNESDAY, MAY 25 – at Midnight (eastern standard time). We’re running out of time.
Stop by Teresa’s blog – teresabelle designs – and meet Emma – and tell me if you cannot spend 10 seconds to help this adorable little girl.
You have my vote Teresa and Emma, and a special place in my heart and my prayers.
Paintshop Pro Tutorial Lessons Available
The PSP Blog Hop is pleased to announce that Artistic Dreams Imaging will begin holding Paintshop Pro Tutorials for all experience levels – Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced.
In order to participate in the tutorial lessons, the following is required:
- You must have a license with Artistic Dreams Imaging. (If you do not currently have a license you can request one here);
- You will need to become a member of the ADI Supplies Group on Yahoo – which you can join here;
- Complete the information form found here.
Completion of the form allows ADI to determine when to hold the classes, your level of experience with Paintshop Pro, and your specific interests (what you would like to learn: how to make a mask; add sparkles, etc.).
ADI will do their best to accommodate schedule requests, but please understand that, just as each of us has a real life to attend to, so do the tutorial writers and instructors.
Each tutorial class will be held in the Artistic Dreams Imaging website chatroom (found here as the room has 'voice' chat available for those with microphone and speakers). The tutorial will also be shared in written form in the room itself.
Word has it that their first class will be on ‘adding noise’, so if you have never done so, want to learn, or if you just need a bit of a refresher, join them for the fun!
For anyone who is interested, ADI is also looking for other tutorial writers who would be willing to offer a bit of time and knowledge and volunteer to teach some of their classes either for Paintshop Pro or Photoshop. If you feel you’d like to try teaching one of their classes, please contact them at: artistic_dreams@verizon.net!
2011 Holiday Mini-Hop Announcement
We have had such a raging success with the 1st Annual PSP Community Blog Hop – that we have decided to host a special Holiday Mini-Hop in October 2011!
We do not have a firmed up date yet, so stay tuned for updates and additional information as it becomes available!
The Mini-Hop is going to be handled a bit differently – and we hope easier for you to participate in! Prizes being offered will be organized by category and have their own distinct labels as listed below:
- Blog Designs/Makeovers
- Buy My Store Coupons
- CU4CU Licenses
- Discounts on Other Products
- Independent Artists
- Licensing Agency Tubes/Gift Certificates
- Photo Packages
- Posers
- Programs
- PSP Scripts/Templates
- Scrapkits (PU or CU)
- Signed Prints
- Store Gift Certificates
Participants only duty would be to leave a comment on each page that they wished to receive a prize for. For example – if I wanted to win a blog makeover, a program, and a pack of tubes from a licensing agency you would see the following from me:
I would like to win the Starlite Dreams Package from Starlite Blog Designs. I am following the blog via Google Friend Connect. If I win you can contact me at kimtmww at gmail dot com. Thanks!!! (this would be under the Blog Design/Makeovers Label)
I would like to win the PaintIt! program from Corel! If I win you can contact me at kimtmww at gmail dot com. Thanks!!! (this would be under the Programs Label)
I would like to win the 3-Tube Package from Creative Design Outlet. I am a member of their Yahoo group and subscribe to the CDO blog via Google Friend Connect. If I win you can contact me at kimtmww at gmail dot com. Thanks!!! (this would be under the Licensing Agency Tubes/Gift Certificates Label)
Since I did not leave a comment under the other Labels listed above – then I would not be eligible to win any of those prizes. You only comment on the prizes you want, under each individual Label Category! For instance, if there was also a 3-Tube Package from PSP Tubes Emporium and I wanted to win those as well – I would need to leave a comment for that particular prize from that particular sponsor. If you only comment that you want the tube package from Creative Design Outlet – you will not be eligible to win any of the other tube packages from the other agencies. You must leave one (1) individual comment for every single prize you wish to receive.
We truly think this will make it much easier on everyone. Prizes will not be announced until the day of the Holiday Mini-Hop to give everyone a complete list of prizes so that there are no issues with late submissions being added that might be missed or overlooked.
Sponsors – If you had a great time during the 1st Annual PSP Blog Hop and would like to participate in the Holiday Mini-Hop – the October 2011 Mini-Hop Sponsor Sign Up Form is now live and available for you to complete! If you added your information to the database at the PSP Blog Hop Yahoo group – you can remove your information there and enter it here on the official sign up form.
We have some great ideas in store for the holidays – including special gifts that you, the participant, can win for a special friend to make their holiday season a little brighter as well!
Stay tuned for updates and more information as the time gets closer!
For the Sponsors
Sponsors may download the prize winners list specifically for them here.
I would like to not only apologize to some of the sponsors, but also point something out that apparently went unnoticed. In my e-mails that I sent out to prospective sponsors at the beginning of April, I included information about the Yahoo group that was set up specifically for sponsors to join so that we could handle any questions that they might have or handle any problems that arose in the meantime. This group is also for those that wished to volunteer to assist with the organization and the contacting of sponsors and companies to make this Hop a success.
Up until May 1st when the blog hop began, there was a link on the blog to this Yahoo group. Once the hop started, I removed the sidebar widget. However, there are still two posts on the blog under the label Yahoo that informed readers of the blog about the group here and here. In addition, each and every blog post that went up, also appeared on our Facebook page, as well as on our Twitter page.
I did not think that it would merit needing to be mentioned - but if I were sponsoring a gift on a blog or web site, I would at least subscribe to updates via e-mail or via Google Friend Connect to keep abreast of what was going on. But as I said, I apologize, apparently that is just a little quirk of mine and not an automatic action for others as I had thought it would be.
So to those that were not notified earlier of the winners announcement - I do sincerely apologize. There were only two individuals that I know needed to be contacted directly (Corel Corporation and Jennifer Janesko) when the winners were announced. Had I known otherwise, I would have emailed each of you as well when the original email went out.
My deepest apologies.
Kim Miller, Chairperson
Join us for the 2nd Annual PSP Blog Hop
• May 7, 2012 to May 14, 2012 •
Finally have the completed winner’s listing for the 1st Annual PSP Blog Hop!!! You can download the complete list here. It is in PDF format so everyone should be able to view it with no problem.
In determining the prizes awarded – all duplicate prize entry forms (including several that were from the same individuals using different email addresses) were deleted.
Each of the e-mail addresses were then put into the List Randomizer at www.random.org and randomly ordered. The prize entry forms were then tallied and coordinated with the prizes available.
There were several prize entry forms that had one or more of the following errors on them:
- No Prizes Listed
- No Sponsor Name Listed (entries were ‘psp script’ or ‘ptu scrapkit’)
- Numbers from the Prize Page were used
Participants were told specifically to use the Sponsor Name (as several sponsors offered the same type of prize package) and to NOT use the numbers listed on the Prize Page as they were only there to show the total amount of prizes and changed each time a new prize package was added to the alphabetical listing.
Every individual who submitted a Prize Entry Form has received two gifts, with the exception of those who made the above-referenced errors on their Prize Entry Forms. Those individuals only received one gift.
SPONSORS HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED OF THEIR PRIZE PACKAGE WINNERS. We have a Yahoo Group set up for the Sponsors here and they have received this list along with the email address that you provided on your Prize Entry Form. Sponsors have been asked to contact all prize recipients within 48 hours to instruct them on how to claim their prizes.
If you do not receive an email from your Prize Sponsor by Saturday, May 21st – please send an e-mail to me directly here and do not change the subject line. (Just click the word *here* that is linked and it will open a new e-mail in your e-mail program already addressed to me with the subject line completed) Once I receive your e-mail I will contact the Sponsor directly and get back to you with a response as soon as possible.
On a personal note – Organizing and keeping track of everything for the Blog Hop has kept me extremely busy over the past two months. I have neglected my own groups and the groups that I belong to, as well as my family, my home, my *real* life, to ensure that this event ran as smoothly as possible and that everyone was able to walk away with something that they would truly appreciate. As a result, I have not had a chance to visit all of the sponsors sites yet, nor all of the participant’s sites either. Once I get everything else caught up and *back on track* so to speak, be sure to keep an eye out for my comments in your chat box or on a recent blog post – because I most definitely WILL be visiting!
I want to thank each and every one of you for participating – and sincerely hope that you have enjoyed this event as much as Anna, Fiona, and I have had pulling it all together!!! We are already making plans for the 2nd Annual PSP Blog Hop, so we sincerely hope to see you all again next year as well!
Congratulations to You All!
Kim, Anna and Fiona
Attention Participants–Check Your E-Mail!!!
I am sending out letters to select individuals who completed a Prize Entry Form; however, your top favorites were missing the sponsor’s name. The instructions specifically indicated to list the sponsor’s name in the prize package field. Normally, just submitting the scrapkit name or script name would automatically disqualify you from being eligible to receive a prize package.
However, since this is the 1st Blog Hop I am allowing each of you who receive a letter to respond back to me no later than 12 noon (Eastern Standard Time) Wednesday, May 18th with the top three sponsors you wish to win a prize from.
If no response is received, you will be removed from the prize participants database and your prize will be awarded to another individual. I will be finished sending out these emails by 6:00 PM. Check your spam folders as well. E-mails will be coming from pspbloghop@gmail.com or from vapls@msn.com.
Naturally, if you do not receive an email then your prize entry form was submitted correctly.
Thank you!
The 1st Annual PSP Blog Hop Has Ended…
The Blog Hop has come to a close – and I would like to thank each and every one of you – participants, sponsors, and visitors – for making it a raging success!!! I am pleased that we were able to pull this together in just 30 days time – so imagine what we can do with an entire year to plan for the 2nd Annual PSP Blog Hop!
As I mentioned in my previous post here – I am with limited internet access at the moment until May 18th (Wednesday). In addition, our co-chairperson, Anna Weir, lost a beloved family member last week and is unavailable at the moment.
With that said – today I will be reviewing all of the Prize Entry Forms and ensuring that there are no duplicates, and then reviewing to ensure that the prizes you listed have had all the requirements met. Once that is finished – I will tally up the number of entrants and the amount of prizes to be awarded and put that information into Random.org and select our winners.
Winners will be announced here on the blog no later than Friday, May 20. Thank you for your patience!
Kim Miller, Chairperson
1st Annual PSP Community Blog Hop Official Kick Off!
- If you are linking to your store and there are other designers as well - please use the link for YOUR page of products, not the store home page - unless you are posting for the store and all designers.
- This is where you want people to go to see YOUR work - so use the link where your work is available. (You don't want to put your Twitter name here if your blog or web site is not linked to your Twitter profile)
- Please use the same e-mail address you use on your Prize Entry Form when leaving comments here at the Blog Hop and when leaving comments or subscribing as per the Sponsor requirements. We ask that you use the same e-mail address so that we can track your comments and sponsor requirements. If we cannot confirm that you completed a sponsor's requirements - we can not award you the prize you wanted.
- Prize Entry Forms can be submitted up until 11:59 p.m. May 15, 2011 (eastern standard time). We use the time that is on the home page of the Blog Hop - just look for the official time clock in the sidebar.
- Please remember that you must complete all requirements to be eligible. If the sponsor requests that you follow via Google Friend Connect, Twitter, Facebook and leave a comment for them on the prize post - you must do all four (4) requirements to be eligible - so please read each prize post carefully. They are all unique!!!!
- We are using the Disqus commenting system on this site. If you have issues with the comment section not showing up – please use the Contact Us form to submit your comments. If you use the Contact Us form – please list the Sponsor name and then the prize you are interested in. There is room to put each on a separate line.
- All prizes awarded must be used in accordance with the artist's terms of use included with your prize package.
- If you have registered to win a prize package from any of the licensing agencies, you must have a license with that licensing agency prior to being awarded your gift. You can write to their respective customer service department and request a license free of charge in most cases if you do not already have one. They will need your license number in order to send you your prize package should you be chosen a winner. Please be sure you have this information in hand before May 9, 2011.
- We expect everyone to respect the sponsors who have so generously given their work as donations. This is how they earn a living and, as such, you need to respect that. Any items available to be won must be used in a copyright compliant manner.
Time is Running Out!
Dark Yarrow Hops on Board the Blog Hop!
We are so very pleased to welcome Dark Yarrow to the PSP Blog Hop with a beautiful new gift package for two (2) lucky winners!!
Dark Yarrow is offering two (2) signed prints for two (2) lucky winners! No extra requirements to win except add her prize package to your Prize Entry Form! (Although we suggest that it would be nice if you follow her blog here or leave some love on her Chat Box!)
Stop by and show your love for Dark Yarrow today!
Scraps by Storm
We are pleased to announce the addition of a beautiful prize package from Scraps by Storm to the PSP Blog Hop!
Scraps by Storm is offering up a brand-new PTU Scrapkit in your choice of Tagger or Full Size. A beautiful pallet of roses, reds, and browns – this kit is HUGE!
Requirement to Win
Complete a Prize Entry Form (don’t worry – you have until 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday, May 15th to fill out the form).
Follow Scraps by Storm via Google Friend Connect.
Leave a comment here and tell us what one other item on her blog you’d like to have!
We’re ‘Honored’ to have Honored Scraps!
Please join us in welcoming Honored Scraps to the Blog Hop party!
Honored Scraps is offering one (1) lucky winner a chance to win any five (5) of her Tagger-Size Scrapkits!
Requirement to Win
Complete a Prize Entry Form (don’t worry – you have until 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday, May 15th to fill out the form).
“Like” the Honored Scraps Fan Page on Facebook here.
Subscribe to the Honored Scraps Blog Newsletter.
Leave a comment here and tell us which five tagger kits you’d like if chosen as the lucky winner!
Treasured Scraps
Please join us in welcoming Treasured Scraps to the Blog Hop party!
Treasured Scraps is offering one lucky winner a $10.00 Gift Certificate good on any product in the store!
Requirement to Win
Complete a Prize Entry Form (don’t worry – you have until 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday, May 15th to fill out the form).
“Like” the Treasured Scraps Fan Page on Facebook here.
Leave a comment here and tell us what you plan to purchase if you are chosen as the lucky winner!
Due to the overwhelming response we’ve received from sponsors for the 1st Annual PSP Community Blog Hop – we have changed the Prize Entry Form. You may now enter up to ten (10) different prizes you want most to win. We still recommend that you meet ALL requirements for ALL of the gifts you are interested in winning – but this will give us a greater selection to choose from if you are chosen as a winner on May 16th.
If you have previously submitted a Prize Entry Form we recommend that you submit another form if you wish to list additional items you would like to be considered for if you are chosen as a winner. If you are fine with the top three (3) prizes you submitted and do NOT want to resubmit your form – you need not do anything.
Instructions for submitting an updated Prize Entry Form:
- Prepare a list of the prizes you wish to be eligible to win (up to 10)
- Complete the updated Prize Entry Form
- You must use the same e-mail address you used on the original Prize Entry Form you submitted (if you do not remember which e-mail address you used click HERE to send me an e-mail and I will research your name and respond back to you as quickly as possible)
- Anyone found submitting duplicate Prize Entry Forms using different e-mail addresses will automatically be removed from the list and be marked as ineligible to win. So no cheating!
As always, should you have any questions at all – please do not hesitate to contact me!
Kim Miller, Chairperson
Myst Designs Joins the Blog Hop!
Please give a warm welcome to Myst Designs as our latest sponsor for the PSP Blog Hop!
Myst Designs is offering a $10.00 Gift Certificate towards any of the personal use items in her store!
Requirement to Win
Complete a Prize Entry Form (don’t worry – you have until 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday, May 15th to fill out the form).
Follow Myst Designs on Twitter.
“Like” the Myst Designs Fan Page on Facebook here.
Subscribe to the Myst Designs Newsletter here.
Leave a comment here and tell us what you plan to purchase if you are chosen as the lucky winner!
Dreamscape Imaging Donates a Wonderful Prize Package!
We are pleased to announce the addition of a wonderful prize package from the fine folks at Dreamscape Imaging today to the Blog Hop.
The Dreamscape Imaging team has put together four (4) prize packages for some lucky winners!!! Each of the recipients will receive 5 tubes of their choice and 1 scrapkit of their choice from the store!
Requirement to Win
Complete a Prize Entry Form (don’t worry – you have until 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday, May 15th to fill out the form).
Follow the Dreamscape Imaging Blog via Google Friend Connect.
Follow Dreamscape Imaging via Facebook here.
Leave a comment here and tell us what you plan to purchase if you are chosen as one of the four lucky winners!
Creationz by WitchysHeart Joins the Blog Hop
Please join us in welcoming Creationz by WitchysHeart to the 1st Annual PSP Blog Hop!
Creationz by WitchysHeart is offering an exclusive Tagger Scrapkit (your choice of design) including a mask. In addition, she is offering a PSP Tubes Emporium Gift Certificate good for three (3) tubes of any of their artists.
Requirement to Win
Complete a Prize Entry Form (don’t worry – you have until 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday, May 15th to fill out the form).
Follow Creationz by WitchysHeart via Google Friend Connect.
Follow Creationz by WitchysHeart via Facebook here.
Leave a comment and tell us which prize you are interested in winning!
It has been brought to our attention here at the PSP Blog Hop that an overwhelming number of individuals and sponsors were under the impression that the Blog Hop did not, in fact, begin until May 8th – when our actual start date was May 1st. As a result, we are still receiving prize contributions that you can be eligible to win!
In addition, because of this mix-up, we are going to extend the Blog Hop to run until May 15, 2011 at 11:59 p.m. We will then begin randomly selecting winners for the 230+ prize packages we have to give away on Monday, May 16, 2011.
Sponsors – We will continue to accept prize contributions until 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 7, 2011. No prize contributions will be accepted after that time. You are, however, welcome to host a prize on your blog or website if you miss the deadline and add your link to the list at the end of our Official Kick Off Post here. We also ask that you please join our Yahoo! group - PSP Official Blog Hop Group – so that we can keep you all abreast of any changes and answer any questions you may have. (It is easier to handle questions as a group rather than sending out individual emails to the 82 sponsors that we currently have).
Participants – Just a reminder – you will now have until 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, May 15, 2011 to complete a Prize Entry Form and complete the requirements for ALL of the prizes you wish to be eligible for – not just your top three favorites on the Prize Entry Form. If your name is chosen, and your top three favorites have already been awarded, then we will check the other prizes to see which you are eligible for and award one which you have met the requirements for.
Thank you all for making this a raging success – and we wish you all the luck on winning one of these awesome prizes!!
Created by Jill Scraps
We are extremely pleased to announce the addition of a prize package from Created by Jill Scraps for one lucky winner!
Jill has offered up a $10.00 Gift Certificate to one lucky winner for any Tagger Scrapkit, Page Scrapkit, or Commercial Use Product at the Created by Jill Scraps Store.
In addition – to thank all of the sponsors and participants who are making our 1st Annual Blog Hop such a great success, Created by Jill Scraps and Gothic Inspirations have put together a beautiful Scrapkit designed around our color scheme which you will receive absolutely free just by visiting their blogs.
Requirement to Win
Complete a Prize Entry Form (don’t worry – you have until 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday, May 15th to fill out the form).
Follow Created by Jill Scraps via Google Friend Connect.
Follow Created by Jill Scraps via Facebook here.
Leave a comment here and tell us what you are going to purchase with your gift certificate if chosen as a winner!
Welcome Scrap and Tubes to the Blog Hop!
I have personally been a long-time fan of Scrap and Tubes for the wonderful scrapkits and freebies that she offers her readers on a regular basis – so I am extremely pleased to announce the addition of ZaZa from Scrap and Tubes as an additional prize sponsor!
Scrap and Tubes is offering up two (2) PTU Scrapkits each for five (5) lucky winners!
Requirement to Win
Complete a Prize Entry Form (don’t worry – you have until 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday, May 8th to fill out the form).
Follow Scrap and Tubes via Google Friend Connect.
Subscribe to the Scrap and Tubes Newsletter.
Leave a comment here and tell us which two PTU Scrapkits you would like if you are chosen as one of the lucky five winners!
Did You Know…
That there are over 200 prizes to be won here at the PSP Blog Hop totaling over $3,900? That’s a LOT of prizes! Don’t wait till the last minute – there are lots of prize posts to go through and sign up for!!!
Good luck everyone!
We Have Gothic Inspirations…Do You?
That’s right Blog Hopping people – we have Gothic Inspirations and want to know if you do too?
We have an inspirational prize package from Gothic Inspirations in the form of a $10.00 Gift Certificate to the Gothic Inspirations shop which can be used on PU or CU products!
In addition – to thank all of the sponsors and participants who are making our 1st Annual Blog Hop such a great success, Created by Jill Scraps and Gothic Inspirations have put together a beautiful Scrapkit designed around our color scheme which you will receive absolutely free just by visiting their blogs.
Requirement to Win
Complete a Prize Entry Form (don’t worry – you have until 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday, May 8th to fill out the form).
Follow the Gothic Inspirations Blog via Google Friend Connect.
Follow Gothic Inspirations on Twitter here.
Leave a comment here and tell us what you are going to purchase with your gift certificate if chosen as a winner!
Creationz by Jo
Please join us in giving a big welcome to Creationz by Jo to the 1st Annual PSP Blog Hop!
Creationz by Jo is offering one lucky winner a total of five (5) Tagger Size Scrapkits of their choice from her own personal store Crazed Creationz.
Requirement to Win
Complete a Prize Entry Form (don’t worry – you have until 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday, May 8th to fill out the form).
“Like” Crazed Creationz on Facebook here.
Leave a comment here and tell us which scrapkits you plan to choose if you are the one chosen to win!
- Creationz by Jo
- We Have Gothic Inspirations…Do You?
- Did You Know…
- Welcome Scrap and Tubes to the Blog Hop!
- Created by Jill Scraps
- Creationz by WitchysHeart Joins the Blog Hop
- Dreamscape Imaging Donates a Wonderful Prize Package!
- Myst Designs Joins the Blog Hop!
- Treasured Scraps
- We’re ‘Honored’ to have Honored Scraps!
- Scraps by Storm
- Dark Yarrow Hops on Board the Blog Hop!
- Time is Running Out!
- 1st Annual PSP Community Blog Hop Official Kick Off!
- The 1st Annual PSP Blog Hop Has Ended…
- Attention Participants–Check Your E-Mail!!!
- For the Sponsors
- 2011 Holiday Mini-Hop Announcement
- Paintshop Pro Tutorial Lessons Available
- Urgent Deadline Today–Help a Former Scrapbook Byte...
- Have A Quick Question or Problem?
- Pick Up Your Prizes!