Ismael Rac
We are happy to announce that Ismael Rac has donated a gift to the prize pool for the PSP Blog Hop that you surely won’t want to miss out on!
One lucky winner will receive a $10.00 Rac Card good towards any tube/pack purchase from Ismael Rac!
Requirements to Win
To be eligible to win this gift, you need to do the following:
Complete a Prize Entry Form (don’t worry – you have until 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday, May 8th to fill out the form).
Create an account with Ismael Rac which will automatically subscribe you to the Newsletter.
Leave a comment here and tell us what you’ll spend your Rac Card on!
PSP Blog Hop 2011
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I love rac's tubes whether i win or not, but if i do win i would love to be able to get these tubes of his.. Campus PD, School Hottie, Hall Monitor, Cute Bookworm, Teacher's Pet.. these are a few of his most newest tubes i've heard great things about the tubes and all the great layers they come with. beautiful! thank you in advance, hugs melissa
One more of psp addicts and huge fan of Rac!
I would also buy some of the new releases!They are gorgeous!Thank you! Sonja
I am a huge fan of Rac and have been for a few years now and have followed him in every adventure he has went on. I would spend the gift card on tubes of course. I am unable to buy alot of tubes due to financial problems. Thanks for this great opportunity.
I've been a fan of rac clear back in mpt followed him everywhere would love to win to get some new of his that haven't been able to get in awhile
Of course I would LOVE to have some Rac tubies!!!!!!!!
I have only recently discovered Ismael Rac but I love his tubes and would eagerly buy to supplement the few I have.
Wow, you have some awesome tubes. I'd love to get some of the holiday tubes. Wonderful prize. Thanks, Chris.
I would really like to get the School Girl Pack. I love your tubes!
Ismael Rac was one of the FIRST artists I bought from when I finally made my way over to PTU tubes, and I haven't regretted a moment of it! He just released a set of True Blood tubes and that is my FAVORITE SHOW EVER! No one else has made TB tubes as far as I've seen, and NONE that look this good! I drool over them constantly and that would be what I would get if I won, you rock Rac!
The tubes I would love are
Naughty Winter
Voodoo Child
Digital Doll
School Hottie
Teacher's Pet
This is however subject to change LOL Rac's work is and always has been to die for.
What an awesome opportunity!!! I absolutely love Rac's tubes!!! As of right now, I would love his school girl pack, but that is subject to change. Thank you so much.
I definitely need the True Blood pack, hall monitor and school hottie
Oooo absolutely love Rac's work especially the latest school hotties!! would love them. So Sexy!!
I love Rac's tubes so I would have to spend it on his lovely tubes hehehehe...
the tru blood tubes wooot!!!!
I love tubes ismael rac ! beautiful !
Already signed up and love your work. Thank you so much for offering the great prize. Jessica
I already have an account at xerax site....if I won this I would buy the True Blood Bundle with the tubes and the scrap kit...I have been drooling over them since they came out!!!
I've been signed up to the store since it first opened and I just love Ismael's work! If I won I'd also be getting that wonderful True Blood bundle, it looks awesome!
Thank you for this great donation! I'm already signed up at your store. Which tubes would I get? That's a tuffy. LOL! So many awesome tubes! I'd have a hard time choosing, but no worries! I would definitely narrow it down evidentially. LOL! Thanks again for the generous donation! ♥
oh my goodness, you dont even want to know how long my wishlist is for this store!!! i would totally get the true blood tube package...and then id have $4 left...would probably get the avril and ipod tubes with it
Already signed up with Rac!!! There is so many tubes that I would get. I would get the true blood tubes for sure..then the pink one also. I would get alot of the new tubes that he has released!!!
I'm already signed up with the store and newsletter. :) I would get several tubes that I have been wanting for a long time. :) Thank you.
I'm already subscribed to your newsletter and store and forum. I will always love Xeracx art, he's very talented :D, and probably get Cooler than you and the high school pack i;ve been wanting to get for awhile since i drooled over it...lol, but who knows new stuff may come soon and " I got the must buy me now urge" :D
I'm already subscribed to your newsletter and store and forum and on FB, I have more than 75% of all the tubes u ever sold... lol so its time to start on that 25% I don't have lol Hugz Dee
i am a current license holder, following on fb and receive the newsletter - what a wonderful prize - ty
there is too many to mention, but i would have a blast going shopping
I am a current license holder and get the news letter and am a FB fan. There are so many I would love to buy... don't know where to start.
I would select SexySenorita, Elisa, Eric, Irish Maiden and Cool Rain if I win this $10 Rac Card.
Thanks for offering the prize.
if i won i would like to get the tru blood package
I am already a member, and facebook fan :)
I would love to get some of the new releases :)
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