Everyone Needs a Little ‘Creative Design Outlet’ in their Life!
Those of you in the PSP community know, there are days when the muse strikes and you just have to get that creativity inside out and on the screen or on paper. Well, Creative Design Outlet is going to help with that creativity that needs an outlet!
Creative Design Outlet is offering twelve (12) individual tubes up for grabs from any of the artists signed with them!
Requirements to Win
To be eligible to win a tube from Creative Design Outlet, you need to do the following:
Complete a Prize Entry Form (don’t worry – you have until 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday, May 8th to fill out the form)
Follow the Creative Design Outlet Blog via Google Friend Connect.
Leave a comment here and tell us which tube you’ll pick if you are chosen as a winner!
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Hi! I completed the prize form, and followed on the the site (via Google Friend Connected) ... and for #3) tube: Ed Mironiuk Individual Tube 54-2
tysvm for the opportunity!!
would love to get Olivia, Hammond and some Kidd tubes :)
I would either get a Dougherty tube or a new Martin Abel :) thanks!
Some Ed Mironiuk, Maryline Cazenave, Fred Winkler.....LOL....Who can't love the awesomeness that's CDO!
I'm in love with martin abels work, and i seen he has new tubes i would love to be able to get one of his new tubes. Martin Abel Individual Tube 33-3 please and thank you in advance, but would still love his tubes even if i didn't win, hugs melissa
If I win I would buy anything by Caron Vinson I just love those fairies.
CDO rocks!!!!!!!!!
Wow, what great tubes. I'd like to win Suzanne Richards Summer 2-2. Thanks for such an awesome prize. Chris
wooot i would lov me some tubes!!!!!
Mmmm....Jennifer Janesko 101-1. Thanks for the chance!
hmmm...I think I would pick Anne Marine 14-3
goodness so much awesomeness to choose from!!! i would probably pick one of Amy Brown's tubes...i love her art, even have a tattoo of one of her faeries, but alas none of her tubes
Anything from Rion Vernon (that I don't already have!)!
Anything from Rion Vernon (that I don't already have!)!
i would be so stoked if i won, all the artist there are amazing I love Rion, and , Hammond, Jenesko, Adams, and Abel. Too many to name, lol...
It would be so exciting to win - and I think I would get Linda Biggs Tube 19-1 if I were fortunate enough to win.
it would be a hard decision, but i think i would go with anna marine or maryline cazenave
Born on Christmas Eve, this is so me......lol
Cuddly Rigor Mortis Individual Tube 24-1
Thanks for the chance to win and awesome tube. If I was chosen I'd choose Freeman 3-2
a melissa dawn tube
Anna Marine I think! Love her work. :) And maybe a few others, it will be hard choosing. :)
I would love to win this I hardly ever get to shop at cdo would love some of jamie kidds or Pinup toons
too many to list hehe
SO many I would like.
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