
PSP Blog Hop 2012 - UPDATED INFO!

Hello Blog Hop lovers!  We have some updated information to share with you about the 2012 PSP Blog Hop, so read up and find out the latest and start planning what awesome goodies you are going to share with the PSP community this fall!

Due to some personal family issues, the spring/summer blog hop is going to be combined with the Holiday Hop this year.  So set your calendars to win some awesome prizes this fall just in time for Thanksgiving and Christmas that will have your creative juices in overdrive!

Event Information

Start - Monday, October 15, 2012 at 8:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time

End - Friday, October 19, 2012 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time

Winners will be announced on the blog on Saturday, October 20th and will have until Wednesday, October 24th to request their download link for their prize package.

For Contributors & Participants

This year we have a Link Up! section for both contributors and sponsors!  If you plan on participating or contributing during this year's event - please go to our LINK UP! page and add your blog, your web site, your Pinterest page and/or your Facebook Fan page - add as many as you want!  Let others come by and discover you and the awesomeness that is YOU!  Add your information today and get some free advertisement for your site(s) for the entire year!

We tested out two different giveaway programs - Rafflecopter and PunchTab - and this year we will be using the PunchTab giveaway program.  Each prize contribution will have its own widget to enter - so you only need to enter the prize giveaway that you wish to win, or you can enter all of them to increase your chances of winning.  At the end of the event, one winner will be randomly selected.  The added benefit of using PunchTab is that you will be able to earn rewards each time you visit the site, in addition to earning badges as well for liking us or tweeting about the PSP Blog Hop each day.


All Blog Hop 2012 prize contributions must be uploaded to the contributors folder on Box.com prior to the Blog Hop beginning.  The only exception to this will be tubes or gift certificates or custom-made items contributed from a licensing agency, independent artist store or scrap kit store.  If you have any questions or concerns - please use the CONTACT US form or, better still - join our contributors Yahoo Group HERE.

You can add your prize contribution for the 2012 Blog Hop at any time between now and September 30, 2012 by clicking HERE and entering the information requested.  Don't forget - Gold Contributors (anyone offering a prize package valued at over $60.00 US Dollars) will receive their banner ad (125x125) placed on our Gold Contributors page as they are received (we are in the process of updating some things on the site so be patient - they will be posted shortly for those of you who have already submitted your prizes).

All Blog Hop prize contributions must be awarded within seven (7) days of the event conclusion.  The only exception will be for custom-made items - and these items should be completed and delivered no later than sixty (60) days from the event conclusion at most.  A deadline must accompany all custom-made items offered so that the winning recipient knows when to expect receipt of their prize.

Contributors are required to be a part of our Yahoo Group (or have a representative be a part of the Yahoo Group on their behalf) to receive all updates and behind-the-scenes information and to help you with coordinating the event and answer any questions that you may have. Please feel free to go daily digest or no mail during 'down times' between blog hops, but we would appreciate you being on regular mail during the two months prior to the hop when everything is being organized in the event there are questions or concerns that need to be addressed.

As always - feel free to email me with any questions you may have directly.  I am looking forward to our Blog Hop 2012 this October being bigger and better than last year and loads of fun and excitement for everyone combined!



PunchTab Giveaway Winner

Congratulations to Becky Wilson, the winner of our PunchTab Giveaway!!!!  Email pspbloghop@gmail.com for details!
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Please consider a donation to defray the costs of organizing and operating the PSP Blog Hop or just to say thanks - we would appreciate it. By no means is it necessary or required though.

Grab Our Blinkie


Would you like to be a member of the PSP Blog Hop Yahoo Group? An excellent way for all contributors to stay connected and received the latest updates and information concerning plans for upcoming events! Just click the banner above to join!