
Graphics Package Giveaway

We are working out the kinks on how to offer our readers a better experience with our giveaway.  We are always looking for fun and creative ways to get the PSP community involved.  This particular giveaway is utilizing the PunchTab giveaway option.  In addition, each time you visit a site that utilizes the PunchTab program, you'll receive entry points to win fabulous other prizes as well!

While this is a "test" giveaway - the giveaway of a Graphics Package from My Creative Muse is an actual gift that you can enter and win! So if you are in the market for a new seasonal look for your blog and want to just change up your look, enter to win! Winners will be announced when the giveaway ends on June 2, 2012 at 12:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. A $35.00 value, yours free if you are chosen as the lucky winner!

Winners have one (1) year to use their gift certificate. Good luck!

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